Saturday, June 30, 2012

Day Twenty-Two: Enemies

Family feuds are never good...especially between sisters.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Day Twenty-One: Friends

Day Twenty: Colorless

Hi deep-sea divers,

Its always scary sometimes to draw a new character when you know them to look an ENTIRELY different way...
This use to be Charlie, but he has a mak-over (very rough right now) and also will receive a new name.  ;)

Stay a float,


Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Day Nineteen: White

Good Afternoon swimmers,

Here lies Willow in one of her many adventures. I think she should be dressed warmer personally...



Monday, June 25, 2012

Day Eighteen: Black

Hi swimmers...

Looks like Willow has found herself an interesting tree. She's pretty brave to go into the jungle at night. Dangerous... Wonder whats on it?

keep in the surf,


Sunday, June 24, 2012

Day Seventeen: Brown

Poor, poor clumnsy. Haha

Day Sixteen: Purple

Day 16 up! Just a purple Jinn or genie.

Dive in,


Friday, June 22, 2012

Day Fifteen: Green

Rolls to her own tune.

Day Fourteen: Yellow

Hey swimmers!

I've gone back to the past and dug up one of my favorite characters I use to draw in college. I didn't realize how much I missed drawing her..haha. But anyway, her she fashionista.



Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Day Thirteen: Orange

This reminds me of 'good times' with col-erase pencils. Orange was me favorite!

swim swim swim,


Day Twelve: Blue

Monday, June 18, 2012

Day Eleven: Red

I love drawing red-heads!



Sunday, June 17, 2012

Day Ten: Years

Time flys when your at a bar..

Day Nine: Months

Hi swimmers,

I'm busy as usually BUT still determined to complete this challenge I set for myself. I decided to focus on Wood's house within twelve months (which equals season change! yay).

Thanks for swimming by,


Friday, June 15, 2012

Day Eight: Weeks

Yay, Day Eight is up. This time I just did a comic of Woodberry. He just received a package after a long vacation. Apparently the sender, Rita McGoosley sent his peach cobbler weeks before his arrival back...eew.

Floaty float,


Day Seven: Built

Hi swimmers! So I've been super busy and didn't get a chance to post this illustration yesterday night. Day Seven's topic was very tricky to draw so I decided to try an 'Artists Choice' and draw something with a topic I thought up.
Its 'Built', as in the house that Woodberry built. I haven't touched this character ever since my college days. He has always been one of my favorite creations and this was the perfect opportunity to start drawing him (and his universe) again.

Hopefully by tonight I should have day eight posted (if I don't fall asleep first)..haha.

Swim swim swim,


Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Day Six: Hours

Hi swimmers,

I was stuck with this I decided to solve the problem with Fan art(like what the original 100 list suggests). It takes a long time to brew potions...minutes..hours..days. The picture is of Luna Lovegood(Loony Luna) all grown up and whipping up some concoction! Hopefully it tastes good.

Float peacefully on the bay,


Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Day Five: Outsides

The beautiful untamed jungle...looks humid.


Hi swimmers,

This is something random that I completed yesterday. It has nothing to do with my '100 drawing' challenge. Lately, ever since I started drawing everyday I've had the urge to draw for hours(which I've been happily doing). This is one of the aftermaths of such sessions. Originally I had it for my blog page (maybe a new header?). But i'm still deciding on what to do with the background.
Hopefully today I should have time to submit Day Five! Talk with yah soon!



Monday, June 11, 2012


I've been reading a bit of Harry Potter again (can't help myself)... I drew a self portrait in the 'Potter Universe' for funsies.

Day Four: Insides

Insides! In this case, 'inside of something'. Like Hide-and-go-seek!

Stay floating,


Sunday, June 10, 2012

Day Three: Ends

Day Three up!

Keep swimming,


Saturday, June 9, 2012

Day Two: Middles

Hi Swimmers,

WIP but not really. I wanted to render out the characters but not much of the background...meh (got lazy). This is the second of my 100 drawing days and hopefully I can keep this up. Right now I'm going by a list but I might switch some topics out in case I cant think of anything...No. 2 on the list was 'Middles'. My interpretation was the 'middle' child in the family. Though I can't speak for myself ( I have no siblings) most of my friends tell me it can be pretty lonely sometimes. Anyways here it is!

Thanks for swimming by,
