Wednesday, July 25, 2012


Good early morning swimmers!

I just wanted to post something up just so you know I'm still drawing in my handy-dandy-sketchbook. I haven't had much time to post online, but I'm still drawing none-the-less. Though work has been my big time compressor, I've also started working on 'my secret project' a month ago.
 It's taking a bit of time, but its going very well. I'll let you know the details a bit later once I have some things finalized! In the meantime above is a sketch and illustration of my favorite Muse!

Swim away,


Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Curiosities: An Illustrated History of Ancestral Oddity

Hey swimmers! Above is a video and link to help out two of my favorite artists! Mike Yamada and Victoria Ying. Help them out!

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Day Twenty-Four: Family

Hello! Day twenty-four has come three days late unfortunately. Hopefully my busy work schedule and devotion to 'other projects' won't get too much in the way. Anyways, today's subject is on family. So I made a quick sketch of Wood and his parents (traditional family portrait).

Keep those paddles,


Sunday, July 1, 2012

Day Twenty-Three: Lovers

Good morning!

Day 23 up! Title is 'lovers', though it seems to be the complete opposite right now....haha.
BUT they will be! This is how it all begins. Willow's parents. ;)

Keep in the waters,
